Version 5 (modified by chris, 3 years ago) (diff) |
Table of Contents
See the TracGuide for help documentation.
This site was installed on ticket:1.
Create an Trac account
SSH into the Crin1 server and run:
sudo -i su - trac -s /bin/bash export NEWUSER="username" htdigest .htpasswd trac $NEWUSER
And if they need admim permissions also run:
trac-admin /var/www/trac permission add $NEWUSER admin trac-admin /var/www/trac permission add $NEWUSER TRAC_ADMIN
Then login as the user and set their email address at
This site supports commenting on tickets via email, this was set up on ticket:1#comment:15
Each year the fingerpint of the server the Trac email accounts collects email from using fetchmail needs changing when the cert if updated, to get the current fingerprint:
fetchmail -v -p imap -u | grep -i fingerprint
Then updated the ~/.fetchmailrc:
sudo -i su - trac -s /bin/bash vim .fetchmailrc
Current trac tickets
Closed trac tickets
Ticket | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#123 | Update Email Settings | chris | chris |
#107 | New cert for Fetechmail | chris | chris |
#98 | Trac account for Russell | chris | chris |
#69 | procmail, email2trac and TLS cert | chris | chris |
#63 | {Spam?} Best watches in the world>> | chris | info@… |
#58 | You have 1 new fax, document 00000576492 | chris | incoming@… |
#22 | Add Trac Account for Peter | chris | chris |
#16 | Add Trac account for Adam | chris | chris |
#15 | Create Trac accounts for Jenny and Gillian | chris | chris |
#1 | Trac initial install and configuration | chris | chris |