#37 closed defect (fixed)
Site slowdown on 8th Sept 2015
Reported by: | chris | Owned by: | chris |
Priority: | critical | Milestone: | Maintenance |
Component: | drupal | Version: | |
Keywords: | Cc: | mori, jenny | |
Estimated Number of Hours: | 0h | Total Hours: | 45m |
Billable?: | yes |
Description ¶
The site is really slow and the number of php5-fpm processes has gone up dramatically and so has the memory usage.
Change History (11)
Changed 3 years ago by chris
Changed 3 years ago by chris
Changed 3 years ago by chris
Changed 3 years ago by chris
Changed 3 years ago by chris
Changed 3 years ago by chris
comment:1 Changed 3 years ago by chris
- Add Hours to Ticket changed from 0h to 15m
- Total Hours set to 15m
comment:2 Changed 3 years ago by chris
Mori did you restart php5-fpm on Crin2 after deploying the new code today? If not that could explain some of the issues.
comment:3 Changed 3 years ago by mori
Thanks for picking this up Chris. No I didn't restart php5-fpm, as I was not aware it was required.
Can you let me know what command I should run? I'll add it to the wiki and may improve the deployment commands to restart it automatically.
Changed 3 years ago by chris
comment:4 Changed 3 years ago by chris
- Add Hours to Ticket changed from 0h to 30m
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from new to closed
- Total Hours changed from 15m to 45m
When new code is deployed the Drupal caches need flushing and memcache and php-5-fpm need restarting:
sudo -i service php5-fpm restart service memcache restart
The reason php5-fpm need restarting is because the opcache was set to only check that .php files have changed the first time they are access (see ticket:#comment:17 ) however at some point it must have been changed as it is now set to check every 5 mins based on the file time stamp, in /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini on Crin2:
; When disabled, you must reset the OPcache manually or restart the ; webserver for changes to the filesystem to take effect. ;opcache.validate_timestamps=1 opcache.validate_timestamps=1 ; How often (in seconds) to check file timestamps for changes to the shared ; memory storage allocation. ("1" means validate once per second, but only ; once per request. "0" means always validate) ;opcache.revalidate_freq=2 opcache.revalidate_freq=300
I think it would be safe to change opcache.validate_timestamps to zero again if a php5-fpm restart is always done after deploying updated code.
The speed of the site issue is now sorted:
Though at some point it might be worth looking at reducing the number of css and js files.
The Munin stats were showing a dramatic reduction in MySQL traffic, I expect this is due to more requests being cached by memcache, the memcache memory limit was also reached so I have increased it from 0.5G to 0.75G and also reduced the default number of php5-fpm processes started as there were a lot of idle ones almost all the time.
I have opened a new ticket for me to check the Bitbucket documentation, ticket:9#comment:17, closing this ticket.
Testing via Pingdom we have a 30 seconds load time for the front page (this should be 2 seconds or so):
These Munin graphs illustrate a massive increase in the number of php-fpm5 processes and a corresponding memory usage: