These two scripts are used to update the Debian packages on the servers and to record the updates in /root/Changelog.
These are best installed from this repo.
a-up ¶
#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script runs "aptitude full-upgrade" and updates the Changelog # location of the logchange script, we assume it has been # installed int he same directory as this script is in #DIR="/usr/local/bin" DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" LOGCHANGE="$DIR/logchange" # check that the script is being run by root if [[ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]] ; then echo "You must run '$0' as root or via sudo" exit 1 fi # check that the logchange script is installed if [[ ! -f "${LOGCHANGE}" ]] ; then echo "You need to install the '${LOGCHANGE}' script before you can run $0" exit 2 fi # For Ubuntu Touch UBUNTU_TOUCH=$( uname -a | grep 'ubuntu-phablet' ) if [[ "${UBUNTU_TOUCH}" ]]; then echo "Ubuntu touch so skipping kernel update" export FLASH_KERNEL_SKIP="true" fi # check that packages are installed and if not then install, this depends on the # package name matching the binary in /usr/bin, this check is done first because # it's faster DEPENDENCIES="apt-show-versions aptitude" for d in ${DEPENDENCIES}; do if [[ ! -f "/usr/bin/${d}" ]] ; then DEP_CHECK=$(dpkg -s ${d} 2>&1 | grep "Status: install ok installed") if [[ ! "${DEP_CHECK}" ]]; then echo "Installing '${d}'" apt-get install ${d} fi fi done # get updates apt-get -qq update # get a list of updates UPDATES=$(apt-show-versions -b -u | xargs) # if we have updates then install them and write the list of updates to the # Changelog if [[ "${UPDATES}" ]]; then echo "About to upgrade '${UPDATES}'" ${LOGCHANGE} "${UPDATES} : updated" aptitude full-upgrade # Delete dowloaded packages to free up space if [[ "${UBUNTU_TOUCH}" ]]; then apt-get clean else aptitude autoclean echo "If ownCloud has been updated check if /etc/apache2/conf-available/owncloud.conf" echo "has changed by looking at the timestamps, if it has merge the changes into" echo "/etc/apache2/sites-available/owncloud.conf and then run the following commands:" echo "rm /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/owncloud.conf" echo "chown owncloud:owncloud -R /var/www/owncloud/apps" echo "chown owncloud:owncloud -R /var/www/owncloud/assets" echo "chown owncloud:owncloud -R /var/www/owncloud/config" echo "chown owncloud:owncloud -R /var/www/owncloud/data" echo "chown owncloud:owncloud -R /var/www/owncloud/tmp" echo "su - owncloud -s /bin/bash" echo "php console.php upgrade" fi exit 0 else echo "No updates today" exit 0 fi
logchange ¶
#!/usr/bin/env bash # This is a script to update the /root/Changelog # File name of the Changelog CHANGELOG_NAME="Changelog" DATESTAMP="$(date +%Y-%m-%d)" TIMESTAMP="$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S)" # check that the script is being run by root if [[ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]] ; then echo "You must run $0 as root or via sudo" exit 2 fi # check that $HOME is set if [[ ${HOME} ]]; then CHANGELOG_DIR="${HOME}" CHANGELOG="${CHANGELOG_DIR}/${CHANGELOG_NAME}" BACKUP_DIR="${CHANGELOG_DIR}/.${CHANGELOG_NAME}" CHANGELOG_BACKUP="${BACKUP_DIR}/${CHANGELOG_NAME}.${TIMESTAMP}" else echo "You are homeless?" exit 1 fi # get a username and if we can't use root if [[ ${SUDO_USER} ]]; then CHANGELOG_EDITOR="${SUDO_USER}" elif [[ ${USER} ]]; then CHANGELOG_EDITOR="${USER}" else CHANGELOG_EDITOR="root" fi # check for some changes on standard input if [[ $1 ]]; then CHANGES="$1" elif [[ ! "$1" ]]; then echo "Type the changes you would like recorded then [ENTER]:" read changes CHANGES=${changes} fi # create the backup directory if it doesn't exist if [[ ! -d "${BACKUP_DIR}" ]] ; then mkdir ${BACKUP_DIR} fi # backup the CHANGELOG if it exists if [[ -f "${CHANGELOG}" ]] ; then cp -a ${CHANGELOG} ${CHANGELOG_BACKUP} fi # write the date and user to the CHANGELOG echo -e "${DATESTAMP}\t${CHANGELOG_EDITOR}" > ${CHANGELOG} # write what we have done, taken from standard in echo -e "\t*\t${CHANGES}" >> ${CHANGELOG} # write a blank line echo >> ${CHANGELOG} # write the backup back to the $CHANGELOG if [[ -f "${CHANGELOG_BACKUP}" ]] ; then cat ${CHANGELOG_BACKUP} >> ${CHANGELOG} fi # gz the backup if it exists if [[ -f "${CHANGELOG_BACKUP}" ]] ; then gzip ${CHANGELOG_BACKUP} fi exit 0
Last modified 10 months ago
Last modified on Nov 22, 2017, 9:31:14 AM