Custom Query (22 matches)


Show under each result:

Status: closed (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#27 Crin2 certificate access chris defect major fixed
#31 Preparation for deployment to new prod chris enhancement major fixed
#32 PHP error logs not found chris task major fixed
#38 [URGENT] down chris defect blocker fixed
#40 Check Bitbucket documentation chris defect major fixed
#50 Migrate to INNODB peter enhancement major fixed
#51 Number of php5-fpm processes on Crin2 chris defect major fixed
#55 Migrating Crin2 server to new hardware chris task major fixed
#75 Load spike and small downtime chris defect major fixed
#105 High load and slow responses from Crin2 chris defect major fixed

Status: new (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#54 502 Errors chris defect major
#56 Drupal Caching chris defect major
#73 CRIN2 ran out of memory chris defect critical
#94 Ongoing high load caused by a bot chris defect critical
#97 Debian Stretch chris defect major
#99 Let's Encrypt Cert for chris defect major
#100 site down chris defect blocker
#108 Go live chris task minor
#115 500 Errors for chris defect major
#117 Install Newrelic on Crin2 chris defect major
#120 crin2 mail queue chris defect minor
#129 Problem with image uploads chris defect major
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.